Apples Dark Helmet

Darth Vader's dustbin has arrived. Apple's commanding new Mac Pro goes on sale in the UK tomorrow, starting at a throat-tightening £2,499.
The 9.9-inch tall glossy black computer is built by Apple in Austin, Texas, and is rolling off manufacturing lines right now, as revealed by company CEO Tim Cook in this tweet.
How powerful is it? The cheapest model boasts a 3.7GHz quad-core Intel Xeon E5 processor, 12GB of memory and two -- count 'em -- graphics cards, both with 2GB of VRAM and 256GB of flash storage.
Splash out £3,299 and that goes up to a six-core chip, 16GB of RAM and 3GB of VRAM for the two graphics chips. All these are configurable up the wazoo -- you can get 12-core processors -- and come with four USB 3 ports, six Thunderbolt 2 ports and a partridge in a pear tree an HDMI 1.4 output.
The Mac Pro runs the latest version of OS X, Mavericks, and comes with the iWork suite and iMovie. You'll probably be doing something a bit more serious than putting star wipes on your kid's Nativity play if you buy this, but free's free.
You can learn more at the Mac shop online here, where you'll be able to order the Dark Helmet of desktops from tomorrow, 19 December.
Do you want one of these beasts? What would you get up to if you had one of these under your desk? How could Apple make it look more galactically evil? Plan to take over the universe down in the comments, or on our fully armed and operational Facebook page.
